About Hilary
To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.
-e.e. cummings
In addition to being genuinely curious about people, I am inspired by a number of creative, psychological and spiritual traditions that guide me in understanding the human condition. With an MFA in Film from Columbia University and a background of more than 20 years in advertising and commercial production, I was trained at New York University as a clinical social worker. This diversity of experience has contributed to my ability to see things from a strategic perspective as well as from an emotional one — and to honor both. Using a psychodynamic approach, I focus on the reparative potential of relational experiences — seeking and helping cultivate your strength and resilience.
Currently based in the U.S. and available globally, I work with young adults and adult individuals and couples in a range of areas including relationships with self and others, personal development, professional development, substance use disorders, attachment disorders, anxiety, depression, trauma, and psychedelic integration.
My own continuing self-discovery, personal practices and life experience are essential to my ability to listen and synthesize with precision and empathy — and to witness and accompany you in both your struggles and your growth.